Saturday, February 18, 2012

Our House...In the Middle of Our Quilt

Oh Yeah BABY!
I finally got up the nerve (and found a comprehensive pattern for) making a house block! I am embarking on a quilt this year that will be some sort of 'masterpiece', and these are the very beginning blocks. There will be many different blocks for the quilt, as it could be called a sampler, but I am making up the blocks, and measuring everything out for myself, not via a pattern. Just a pattern for the new blocks.

So without further a-do, my sweet lil' houses are below! Hope you enjoy them! :)

More different blocks to come, but will be making this block again, perhaps for pillows.

Work, work, work!

Yes, I have started working again. Can you tell from my lack of posts? My free time is no longer my own always, but then again, it usually wasn't anyway, was it? No, not usually. It is a part time job, and I am so grateful to have it, to be able to contribute again to the family income in a more direct fashion.

I am full of excuses: The holidays ran me over a bit, the job search was time-consuming, etcetera. But as of today, I am FULL of NEW PHOTOS!

I did capture a pillow I made for my mom to send off to her on her birthday-- a design I had long-held in my mind, and will be making many more of, as they are very primitive and not overly time consuming, but have an impact that I love! So here it is, mom's Crow Pillow:

Here is a close up of the simple embroidered running stitch. I found a silhouette of a craw calling and then made the template myself.

My label on the back:

So this is what I was up to mostly in December/January, and it was sent off with love to my mom, who seems thrilled to have it. I love making things for people I know well and love-- even moreso than making things for myself, actually.

Next post, what I've been up to this past weekend!

"Little Pink Houses, for you and, yeah, for you and me..."
~ John Cougar Mellencamp