Monday, November 11, 2013

Up To Something

Yes, the Tiny Blue Mouse has been busy, though you wouldn't know it to look at her blog.

But I promise you, (dear Readers, with a high number coming from Poland, and welcome!) I will post soon some of the goodies I have been working on, including the final piece to the menagerie I'm sending to my cousin surrounding the mermaid. I'm thinking of creating one for my niece in Kansas, too, and so may-- just may-- be able to take notes as I make it to develop a sort of pattern? No promises there. My free-form crochet really does change with every row added, but I see people wanting patterns for certain things, and if someone would want to make a mermaid out of crochet, this is a good one to make! It will be fun to create another one anyway, learning from the mistakes of the first.

Happy Crafting to you all, I hope everyone in the northern hemisphere is enjoying the weather! :-)

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