Saturday, May 7, 2011

Little Mom's Day Bag

... And a happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there! I'm a proud mother of one, myself, an 11-year-old boy, brilliant, kind, handsome... and no, I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom... ;-)

In true form to the holiday, I have completed a gift for my own mother the day BEFORE Mother's Day. I've been working on bags lately, stepping up my skills from decorative pillows and the like. This bag in particular is the first I've made where the handles are all one piece with the body, seaming the body in half. I learned a great deal with this bag, and can't wait to tweak the pattern to fit my needs.

Strap detail to show the pattern of the fabric better. It's pretty simple, but my mom likes things simple. Here are pics of the inside pockets:

The snap was my first, and not too hard to comprehend. I bought the matching 'snap kit' to go with the snaps so that the sizes for the tools were correct. The next time I use a snap, I'll be sure to attach it where there is interfacing. The inside and small exterior brown pocket have the interfacing in them, but not the entire purse.

I hope she likes it. She's very 'woodsy', and I get my love of natural colors from her. I lean on my more vibrant friends' tastes to remind me to pull out the brights every now and then! The weather is warm and sweet here in the south, and I can only hope that everyone has a great weekend like it's sizing up here. My thoughts are with the victims of the tornados as they face their first holiday without all the comforts of their home, and some without their loved ones. Keep your mother's love close, and your children's love even closer.


  1. What a perfect bag that is!!! I just know your mom loved it (or will love it). I am especially fond of the cat pockets. And congratulations on finishing it AND mailing it on time. :-)

  2. Thank you darlin! I knew you'd notice the cats inside, I always try to put one on her stuff for 'Cat'. :)
