Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Oh, what wonders we do conceive when once we dare to sew up a sock!

Having SO much fun making sock dolls recently! This wee monster came from a very plush baby sock. He's just a youngling, and his teeth are coming in all snagglie, and so that is his name... Snaggle. I have more to come, and I'm finished with two that just tickled me to make! It's as though they have their own little personalities that spring to life once they are sewn up proper.

They really like to go places, especially the babies...

I'm going to be sending him to my mom, who will take good care of him. She is the one who gave me the book on how to make them, and recommended the second one by the same author/sock artist, which I promptly purchased at JoAnne's Craft Store with my handy-dandy 40% off coupon. Gotta love a discount. I'll post a link to Amazon in case you're interested. I mean, there are so many ways to make these little guys, and I look at socks so differently now!

Anyway, don't want to go on too long, will post more pics soon and some info on how they're made. Yay! Go fun! Go creativity! Go making a little pet you don't have to clean up after! WOOO-HOOO!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love his little jester-jingle ear-things!!!
